Two of those — Reps. The KHN analysis shows that pharmaceutical companies tend to play the field, giving to a wide swath of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. The mney industry favors power. Since the beginning ofdrugmakers contributed to Republicans and Democrats, giving only slightly more on average to Republicans, who currently control both chambers of Congress. This was also the case for Democrats during the election cycle, when they controlled Congress. As with other industries, drugmakers tend to give more to lawmakers in leadership roles. For example, Rep. Money also tends to flow to congressional committees with jurisdiction over pharmaceutical issues that can affect things like drug pricing and FDA approval.
Trump says he’ll declare the US opioid crisis a national emergency ‘next week’
KHN data editor Elizabeth Lucas contributed to this story. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what’s happening in the world as it unfolds. More Videos Why is health care in the US so expensive? Two of those — Reps. As voters prepare to go to the polls, they can use a new database, » Pharma Cash to Congress ,» tracking up to 10 years of pharmaceutical company contributions to any or all members of Congress, illuminating drugmakers’ efforts to influence legislation. The drug industry ranks among lawmakers’ most generous patrons. Trump administration and Big Pharma square off over proposal to televise drug prices. Drugmakers’ campaign contributions have reached record-breaking levels in recent years as skyrocketing drug prices have become a hot-button political issue. While PAC contributions to candidates are limited, a larger donation frequently accompanies individual contributions from the company’s executives and other employees. It also sends a clear message to the recipient, campaign finance experts say, one they may remember when lobbyists come calling: There’s more where that came from. The KHN analysis shows that pharmaceutical companies tend to play the field, giving to a wide swath of lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. The drug industry favors power.
Dems top list of big pharma Senate donations
D onald Trump was not wrong. Almost people are dying every day across America from opioid overdoses — more than car crashes and shootings combined. The majority of these fatalities reveal widespread addiction to powerful prescription painkillers. The crisis unfolded in the mids when the US pharmaceutical industry began marketing legal narcotics, particularly OxyContin, to treat everyday pain. This slow-release opioid was vigorously promoted to doctors and, amid lax regulation and slick sales tactics, people were assured it was safe. But the drug was akin to luxury morphine, doled out like super aspirin, and highly addictive. What resulted was a commercial triumph and a public health tragedy. Belated efforts to rein in distribution fueled a resurgence of heroin and the emergence of a deadly, black market version of the synthetic opioid fentanyl. The crisis is so deep because it affects all races, regions and incomes. Trump was right on both counts. Pharmaceutical companies spend far more than any other industry to influence politicians.
Trump says he’ll declare the US opioid crisis a national emergency ‘next week’
About half of U. Those payments and gifts very likely encourage doctors to prescribe pricey brand-name drugs and devices pushed by sales representatives, a second study argues. Doctors at academic medical centers were more likely to prescribe cheaper generic drugs than expensive brand-name drugs after their hospitals adopted rules that restricted pharmaceutical sales visits, the researchers said. Restrictions on sales visits were associated with a reduction in prescriptions for brand-name drugs, said lead researcher Ian Larkin, an assistant professor at the University of California, Los Angeles Anderson School of Management. Generic drugs are 80 to 85 percent less expensive, which means hospitals can save lots of money if doctors start prescribing generics instead of brand-name drugs. Pharmaceutical companies spend money on direct marketing to doctors — even more than they do on research and development — because they strongly believe it works, said Dr. The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the leading industry group, did not respond to a request for comment. In one of the new studies, researchers analyzed data collected by an Affordable Care Act program called Open Payments that requires biomedical companies to report all payments made to physicians. The chances of receiving a general payment depended on the doctor’s specialty — 61 percent of surgeons got a payment, compared with 48 percent of primary care doctors. By far, the majority of general payments were for food and beverages, which became common practice after the pharmaceutical industry placed self-imposed restrictions on its marketing in , Larkin and Dudley said. These are very busy people, and it’s not like these medical centers have a lot of catering services.
These mothers saw the opioid epidemic before anyone else. No one listened
In the heat of the most ferocious battle over drug prices in years, pharmaceutical companies are showering U. That hefty sum stands out with Election Day more than 14 months away. Lowering drug prices is one of the rare causes that has united Democrats and Republicans, and at least one proposal companiies would change the way the industry does business could get a vote in Congress this year. One of the most promising and aggressive updates would cap drug prices under Medicare so they do not outpace inflation. The number of big contributions and the lawmakers receiving them signal the compannies is building loyalty as voters push candidates to talk about drug prices in the elections. Most of the biggest donations in the first half of have gone to Republicans, who control the Senate and tend to be more reluctant to restrict drugmakers. And even those who do not serve on committees that oversee the industry or represent states with significant industry ties have benefited from drugmaker cash this year. Several senators facing tough reelection campaigns have raked in tens of thousands of dollars this year, with some collecting much more than the industry has given them in the past decade, if. Stakes raised in US, Iran tensions: Drone war takes flight. The biggest single beneficiaries were Sens. Tillis and Coons, the leaders politicianw a Senate subcommittee on intellectual property, have been working on legislation to overhaul the patent system — perhaps the most powerful tool brand-name drugmakers have to keep prices, and profits, high. John Cornyn R-Texas has been a vocal critic of the way some drugmakers use patents to extend their monopolies what politicians make money from pharmacuetical companies drugs and block competitors, introducing a bill that would empower the government to sue drugmakers for gaming the. Another top recipient was Sen. Cory Gardner of Colorado, who is considered the most vulnerable Republican up for reelection in Another vulnerable Republican incumbent, Sen. Gary Peters D-Mich. Congressional leaders, who also help fund the campaigns of party members, are a common target of pharmaceutical industry contributions.
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