If so, then the real question is how much traffic do you really need to make big bucks with Google AdSense? Also, you must make sure that your website category is advertising friendly because your AdSense income depends a lot upon the category of your website. If there is enough competition i. Here they are:. Of course, the suggested bid is just an estimate and the real cost-per-click varies a lot. I have analyzed the traffic and AdSense stats using Google Image Search of several websites including my own blogs and websites. But it really depends upon your niche, web site design and other factors. It means that you needunique visitors a day itself to generatepage views a day. A page view is what Google counts in your reports every time a user views a page displaying Google ads.
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When I see people talk about Adsense, I see a lot of discussion about profitable niches, cost per click, making a full-time income, etc but I never see much discussion about traffic. For me, I was able to reach a full-time income when I was consistently getting over , visitors per month. Of course not. It could be lower, or even much higher than that. Again, not perfectly accurate, but a good estimation. The average RPM for AdSense ranges greatly depending on your niche, quality of website, traffic source, and the number of advertisers on the AdWords platform. We need 2, visitors a day. Of course, this is just an estimation using very ideal metric figures. Here is another great estimation example you can look at. Remember, RPM is how much you would make for visitors on your website. To get to a full-time income with Adsense, you need a lot of traffic. Hi Chris, this was a great post! You wrote:. Just noticed that, so thought I would point it out. Thanks again for the detailed and excellent post. It still says, we need visitors a day. Hi Tony.
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All of that aside, this post is not about Adsense vs. All of this interest suggested to me that it was time to address this question in a ShoutMeLoud blog post. Shubhan, your blog is professionally designed, and it looks great. You are using the BlogSpot platform, but that should not be a problem. When I was new to AdSense, I had the same question. For example, if your blog is getting more traffic from countries like the U. There are also a number of other factors which will require work before the launch of your blog which may contribute to your Adsense earning capacity. If you know of anyone who might benefit from the information in this post, feel free to share it. As always, please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus if you wish! Subscribe on YouTube. Hello sir I want to start bolgging on which platform i should start on blog,wordpress. Help me sir and which is best for me for long run. Irfan Self hosted WordPress is best. Hello Harsh, I appreciate your writing and the content it offers. Thanks for that. I am beginner on blogspot and WordPress.
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You can now check personalized account information on the new » My AdSense page «. It’s hard to say exactly how much you’ll earn with AdSense until you try it for yourself. AdSense earnings are dependent on many factors such as how much traffic you get, what type of content you provide, where your users are located, how you set up your ads, and so on. For an estimate, try the revenue calculator on the AdSense site. Bear in mind that this value is only an estimate. AdSense is free, and it’s easy to get started.
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A common question by all bloggers is how do they make money from advertising? As Google Adsense is the most popular advertising network in the world, many must be wondering, how much can you make from Google Adsense in a month? Perhaps it was around 60, —monthly page views when I first started experimenting with Adsense. There are some terminologies that are always used in the advertising world, and here are the definitions of some of. Two bloggers may getpage views for their blogs respectively, but their earnings may be vastly different. Here are some reasons why. US traffic is probably one of the best if you intend to earn from Adsense. That is because advertisers are willing to pay much more for a US audience. If your traffic mainly comes from India, then do expect a much lower RPM. Take a look at the stats. This one is from my own blogs mainly Ordinary Reviews. Big, big difference in RPM! You will need more than 10x the traffic from India to earn as much as you do how much money can one make from adsense a US crowd. Your niche affects your Adsense earnings greatly as .
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