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Coworker does less work and makes more money

coworker does less work and makes more money

Salary is a funny thing. Unless you’re in a contracted environment where salary is based on job title and length of service, two people doing the same job can have different salaries. But a difference of a few thousand dollars is very common. And the spread is wider and wider depending on the level. This situation doesn’t seem to make sense. What could they possibly by thinking? Well, I added moer italics they were not in the original to point out a few phrases: Razor sharp; ton of experience; and it’s really difficult to find good talent in our area. Those are the key things. The company is offering this guy more money because they feel like he’s going to be an awesome asset to the team. And that’s les the reason. Why the letter writer didn’t get a coworker does less work and makes more money offer is because, for whatever reason, they didn’t see him as valuable to the team as his friend.

Money talks, but you don’t need to reciprocate. In an age of over-sharing, salary comparison should still be kept out of workplace conversations.

The year-old South Korean-born actor — who has portrayed the cop Chin Ho Kelly for seven seasons on the tropical crime drama since — made a not-so-subtle reference to his battle over fair pay. Kim and Park are hardly the first stars to address pay inequality. But instead of blaming the movie studio, she blamed herself for failing to push for more money at the get-go. I got mad at myself. While your initial instinct might be to ask a co-worker how they’re making more money, don’t. Getting emotional could only hurt you professionally if you continue working on the same team as them. It’s best not to say anything, Salemi suggests. Do your research. Find the fair market value for your job based on location, experience, education and level. Sites like Salary. How much are you really underpaid? That means asking yourself if a colleague is more qualified. Do they have another degree, direct competitor experience or a specific skill set? Before moving forward, make sure you can prove your value to the company with a track record of success. Talk to your boss. Once you know how much you should be making, schedule a time to meet with your boss to ask for a raise without demanding one.

Don’t Freak Out After Discovering a Coworker Brings Home a Bigger Paycheck

coworker does less work and makes more money
Ever wonder if you’re being paid fairly, or what other people in your company are earning? It’s a natural curiosity, but career experts say that discussing salary with co-workers can do more harm than good. In fact, even as companies strive to be more open and honest, it’s best not to confuse corporate transparency with permission to cavalierly chat about employee wages with your co-workers. As it turns out, sharing is sometimes not caring. That’s not to say you should be totally oblivious regarding the going rate for your skills , however. But, she adds, that is a conversation that is best kept between you and your manager. Simply put: It can be a gut punch to find out that a co-worker is making more money than you are. And the same goes for spilling the beans about your own salary.

Maintain the Proper Perspective

But what happens when you do stumble on this sort of information — and discover that a peer makes more money than you do? How should you react? Should you tell your colleague that you know? Talk to your boss? How can you use the information to ask for a raise? There are plenty of examples: the Ivy League bonus, the external hire advantage, the he-was-friends-with-the-big-boss-before-he-even-got-here supplement. Not to mention the larger macro issues that affect us all: the gender pay gap and rising income inequality. And do not confront anyone. Perhaps the higher-earning colleague has more seniority, more experience, or better qualifications. Maybe he was recruited away from another company. Think, too, about your performance, productivity, and contributions. Talk to your manager The way you found out about the pay discrepancy — whether it was through the rumor mill or because a document was mistakenly left on the copy machine — is not relevant. But your awareness of the gap most certainly is.

What to do when you find out your co-worker makes more money than you do — CNBC

coworker does less work and makes more money
This story was originally published on September 5, Start doing your research Review your role and determine your value Set up a meeting with your boss Explain with concrete details why you deserve a raise. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. Find out what’s happening in the world as it unfolds. More Videos Why does the gender wage gap still exist? Trump calls climate activists ‘perennial prophets of doom’. Greta ignores Davos panel question to give warning. SpaceX’s Crew Dragon completes last test before first astronaut mission. The trade war with China is far from .


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