Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data partially from exclusive partnerships. A paid subscription is required for full access. You need a Premium Account for unlimited access. Additional Information. Show source. Show sources information Show publisher information. Concert ticket sales revenue in North America Leading music promoters worldwideby number of tickets sold.
Insurance check
It’s as though the sad, lamentable death of recorded music was accompanied by a kick-ass wake. Sure, label executives have had to sell their fancy homes and put their kids in public schools, but the rest of us have been feasting on a musical smorgasbord. Nothing better exemplifies this than Coachella, the crown jewel among destination music festivals, a sort of spring break for music lovers. Three days of music, over bands, repeated over two weekends the second week starts on Friday featuring a wonderful cross-section of music world old and new — Red Hot Chili Peppers, Moby, Wu Tang Clan, Social Distortion, Japandroids, Vampire Weekend, and more. Coachella is part of a rapid build-up in stationary music festivals, big and small, across the country and reflective of live music’s explosion of growth since the millennium. While it won’t compensate for a 50 percent drop in U. While downloading may have sapped music sales, it’s only amplified people’s desire to experience music up close and personal. You don’t call, you don’t write notes. You don’t pop up at your friends’ house. You Skype. See also: Our Paid Dues review. It’s a booming business, even for newcomers. Sensing a score, the field’s getting crowded. A hardly exhaustive list on Wikipedia logs different major festivals across the country. That’s the power of an established brand. It’s also why so many promoters are taking their shot. Apparently that only holds until a festival’s established itself, at which point you grab for more. Coachella founder Paul Tollet came up the way most festival promoters do — in bars and clubs. He began by booking his older brother’s Perry’s band The Targets. While attending Cal-Poly Pomona, Tollet hooked up with Goldenvoice founder Gary Tovar, who funded his promotion company with proceeds from pot dealing.
Thank you!
If you’re ready to put on your welly boots and sunglasses and head off to one of the many summer festivals this year, here’s everything you need to know to ensure you have the best time possible It might sound dull, but the very first thing you need to think about is insurance. After all, it’s highly likely you’ll be taking a rucksack full of personal possessions — but will you be adequately covered? Before you set off, take a proper look at your home contents insurance policy to see how much cover you have and what it covers you for. Standard home contents insurance generally only provides cover while you’re in the home. So if you’re taking valuable items to the festival and they’re stolen, you won’t be covered. If you’re not sufficiently covered — and don’t just assume you are — it’s worth taking out personal belongings insurance as an ‘add-on’ to your home contents policy. That way, you’ve covered all bases. It’s also a good idea to check with your insurer whether your tent and other camping equipment will be covered. Some insurers will automatically include this as part of your personal belongings insurance, but others won’t. So find out exactly what will be covered before you go. And if you need to add camping equipment to your policy separately, do so.
Festival Addict
Maybe you need cash fast. Or, you want to save for something big. One of the ideas includes this website. You can fund whatever it is you want to accomplish. What is yours? Maybe you still need to figure it out.
There are more and more undercover police at festivals these days looking to take down poor little Johnny trying to make a few bucks to help pay for his ticket and help his friends have a good time. Also, there is sometimes some terrible drugs at festivals or people selling fake drugs, which you could get the blame. How about protein powder in capsules as Molly? Similar to number 10, this could be profitable but has huge downfalls, especially if you run into someone who actually knows what they are talking about and calls you on your dumb shit. Your reputation will be down the drain and all credibility for years to come is demolished. Sometimes, they do come up with some cool shit but most times, this person is just a mega creeper so beware of your girl if she took a few too many caps and is feeling artsy. No overhead, other than your time and if you do it legitimately, you might have to pay a vendors fee but overall a very low cost, high profit option. You have thousands of ravers at your disposal who have danced their poor leg muscles nearly to death and need to get as much healing done as possible before someone starts playing house music back at the main stage. At the first, everybody thinks they are stocked up for a month but by the end of day 2 or 3, it starts to become more valuable than gold.
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