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How much money does wow make blizzard a month currently

how much money does wow make blizzard a month currently

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Only that it was less than Q1, but higher than projected to be for Q1. What I find more interesting is the MAUs. Quarter after quarter after quarter they have been dropping. This quarter they went flat with a specific mention of Classic. Kind of makes me wonder if they will finally go up next quarter or if they will drop again after the hype over classic falls off. But I find myself on blizzards side because of the wow community constantly and ridiculously bashing them. Which part were they wrong on though? Revenues are down year over year, MAUs are down, subs are down, and most of the hype is coming from an updated version of the game nearly 15 years old. Probably because the same people complaining about WoW dying, on the forums, are the same people still subscribed to WoW complaining on the forums. How much money they make has no bearing on whether they make an improved version of this game or not. If earnings represented that, then BFA should be way ahead of Legion on every facet of the game. Since Q2 was basically the Classic Beta 8. Honestly, this is kinda the results I predicted regardless. I mean what are they doing, rage-playing the game? That quarter ended June Exactly how many people do you think actually came back for classic that early and did what — pay for a sub and not do anything? World of Warcraft subscribers increased since mid-May, following the release date announcement and beta for World of Warcraft Classic and the Rise of Azshara update.

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Breaking down 2018

Perhaps you’re a fan of the company’s games, or people around you seem to be glued to the gaming giant’s titles, leading you to consider an investment in Activision Blizzard stock. Or maybe you’re simply confident in the future of video games and think that investing in a market leader is a good way to profit from overall industry trends. Whatever the case, it’s important to have a good understanding of just how Activision Blizzard makes its money before investing in the company. Activision Blizzard breaks out the financial performance of its three core businesses: Activision, Blizzard, and King. Activision Blizzard also reports financial results from outside of those three segments, which the company says incorporates «our studios and distribution businesses» as well as «unallocated corporate income and expenses. Those results made Blizzard the company’s second-largest segment by revenue, but its operating profit performance put it in third place. It’s in last place as far as revenue goes although each of the company’s three segments really do pull their own weight , but in second for operating income. Remember when I said that Activision Blizzard also reports results outside of those three core segments? We’ve taken a look at how Activision Blizzard’s business is broken down by segment, but another worthwhile way to examine the business is by platform. Activision Blizzard’s revenue breakdown by platform is distinctly different.

This isn’t really a question This does NOT include activations, disks they sell, expansion packs they sell, etc. That is amazing Why do they charge us so much to play???? It does NOT cost that much to maintain the servers!! Jesus H. Christ man!!! It should be illegal to charge that much money for something that costs so little to maintain. I don’t get it Oh and regarding GM’s and customer service I hate having to wait up to 2 days just to talk to a god damn GM!!! Out of those subs, just over 5 million are in China. Thats why they each have several accounts. There are not There are server maintenance issues, and huge internet bandwidth costs. Also your forgetting all the people employed developing, and in support positions.

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Discussion in ‘ General Discussion ‘ started by Gustov , Nov 24, Log in or Sign up. Overclockers UK Forums. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Learn More. Show only OP. Nov 24, at PM 1. Gustov Sgarrista Joined: May 30, Posts: 7, Just making a point of how the video games income revenue compares to film, and for those who don’t know games now make more money, FACT. Nov 24, at PM 2. Nov 24, at PM 3. Nov 24, at PM 4. Nov 24, at PM 5. Nov 24, at PM 6. Nov 24, at PM 7.

An article on Playfuls. Except that’s not right. With 2. But that leaves 5. Of course, obviously these are all estimates as well, and they’re gross, too— you have to remember that Blizzard pays a huge group of people money to keep up content, customer service, promotion, and administration, as well as maintenance on what must be a huge number of servers each realm has at least three or four servers running on it, for each continent and all the instances. And Blizzard has other income coming in as well— licensing fees, fees from The9 the company that actually runs WoW in China, and likely collects subscription fees theretransfer fees from players, and so on. Don’t get me wrong— Blizzard is still making a lot of net money on the deal, easily into the hundred millions. But it’s not as easily as multiplying what you’re paying by ten million, because that’s just not the case. Buyer’s Guide.


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