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Hulk Hogan, George Foreman, and the Lean Mean Fat Reducing Machine
A budding entrepreneur spends months researching their big idea. She writes a chunky business plan, builds the product, develops a team, and launches a marketing campaign. Undeterred, the entrepreneur starts. This time she does enough research to create a Minimum Viable Product and gets to market quickly and cheaply. She learns about the idea in real time, from real customers, and adapts the venture to their needs. Welcome to the world of lean entrepreneurship: an emerging theory that is changing how new products are built, and attracting more converts by the day. Startup ventures are not small versions of large companies. Instead, learn how to manage in conditions of extreme uncertainty — the essence of entrepreneurship and a key tenet of the Lean movement. In traditional thinking, you develop a business plan for a concrete idea and follow a linear, step-by-step plan. Think about it: the most innovative products and services create markets, so how could you possibly know if one exists until you launch it? Who knew they needed a smartphone, iPad, Google, Uber, or Airbnb until they were launched? Standard thinking about entrepreneurship is too frontloaded: do most research upfront, write the business plan upfront, and so on. Lean thinking relies on developing feedback loops to understand how customers use the product. Done well, you effectively co-create the product with customers in real time, building it incrementally and iteratively. That has to be better than sitting in an office and trying to guess what people want, building it in one go, and hoping it works. Startup ventures never have orderly growth.
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