Many people join gaming clans to improve their skills and for fun, but for Faze Rug and many other members, joining Call of Duty clan FaZe Clan made him a millionaire. His gameplay, vlog, and prank videos have made him especially popular. He is the most popular member of FaZe Clan. He is one of the most successful members of FaZe clan other than its owners and managers. FaZe Rug currently has 6. He has 2. Even such an impressive figure is still on the low end of FaZe Clan member salaries.
Apart from posting Call Of Duty videos on his channel, he also posts pranking videos with a number of them going viral. He also posts vlogs on his channel which include his brother and his parents in the videos. He started out on YouTube while still in college then made it full time after it began taking off. Rug was born and has grown up in San Diego California in a family of four. His brother is known as Brawadis and is also a famous YouTuber. He got so addicted that it negatively affected his other aspects of his life. He dropped out of community college to do YouTube and that is when his subscriber numbers blew up. The channel has over 18 million subscribers growing by 5, new ones daily and has amassed over 4 billion views since starting out in July The videos in the channel collectively get around 3. All these are influenced by several factors like device played on, the location of the viewer, ad inventory, how many ads there are on a video, how many people skip the ads, type of advertisement, ad engagement , type of content etc. The cost of an ad view is based on an auction between advertisers based on views.
How much money does FaZe Rug make?
FaZe Rug Net Worth – $1.5 Million
In fact, every chance he gets, he puts his prosperity on display. This is one of his signature trademarks. Since money is no object to him, he liberally blesses those around him with high-end gifts and accommodations, especially family members. He has a massive Twitter following, but it comes nowhere close to what he has going on with YouTube. The more controversial the videos he uploads, the more people watch. The more people watch, the more dough he racks up from YouTube and other online outlets, whether directly or indirectly. Needless to say, it garnered a boatload of views, 16 million to be exact. That alone equated to beaucoup funds. He puts tremendous effort into his video techniques and methodologies which, of course, draws in more subscribers. Additionally, he sells eponymous merchandise and sees substantial returns on his investments. His sponsorships are incredibly lucrative. Naturally, a Lamborghini was next on the list; and that same Lamborghini was vandalized shortly after he bought it—but not really. His parents decided to seek vengeance by paying him back for all the times he pranked them in the past. They used what appeared to be spray paint to deface his beloved Lamborghini Huracan with derogatory statements. He dropped out of college to play video games and post YouTube pranks and became a millionaire because of it.
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