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Bdo make money with honey

bdo make money with honey

Dulfy 23 Comments Mar 7, Hlney, you also need Skilled Cooking 1. It costs 43k silver so it is much more expensive than crafting it. I recommend the following node setup for maximum time efficiency in order to enable the mass production of Milk Tea. While you can farm the grapes yourself or gather apples manually, it bdo make money with honey good to have a worker gathering grapes to ensure you have a constant supply of. Casta Farm is right next to to Olvia so the contribution cost is 2 points. You can pick either farm near Velia or even both if you need to increase your potato production. If you just need one node, I would pick Bartali since it has both potato and chicken meat resource nodes. You will need chicken meat if you want to make the Organic Feed for pets. Potato is needed for Beer to feed your workers and later on when you are making Milk Tea you will need flour which can be made from potato. Otherwise you will need to makd corn, wheat, or sweet potato.

Biohack’s BDO Money Making Guide

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Black Desert Online. Global Achievements. Showing 1 — 10 of 10 comments. Simple to do, cheap and gives you a little profit but personally wouldnt even bother selling it. Suzaku View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by oNsee :. You dont buy starch from the market. You use your workers to gather starch and go to a cooking vendor and buy the other things needed 6 mineral water 1 sugar 2 leavening agents. Last edited by HighRoLa ; 23 Jul, am. Step one: hire workers from velia and heidel step two: send them out to collect grain, ore, etc. Just that. Any extras you can sell to auction house and it will sell. It’s highly recommended that you use all resources to process and cook. From cooking you get 4 extra dishes which you can trade in for other items, exp, CP, and silver. But literally, you should just make beer. It maybe useless in the beginning, but it goes a long way.

Worker Abilities

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Having a steady stream of silver and materials which you do not actively need to earn is a truly helpful thing in Black Desert Online. Workers are a great source of passive income and getting them early on can give a new player a decent boost of silver for those expensive black stones. And while it will never be better than active grinding a strong passive source of income from workers would always supplement any other form of active silver generation. For this guide, I will assume that you already have a passing knowledge of how nodes and contribution points work.

I did little to the guide but added pictures and a bit of formatting. Thanks Biohack!! I will update this Money Making Guide with any new updates from the money maker. You can see for yourself by following Biohack on Twitch and Reddit. The general concepts in this guide are accurate as of Nov The numbers especially in the active income segment are no longer accurate and there are certainly ways to make over M an hour as of the end of Lifeskill mastery will have large implications for the content here when it is released. Hey All Biohack here.

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On its own, honey wine is nothing special, only giving a small damage reduction. Making honey wine is rather simple, but there is an extra step or two you need to make. This explanation assumes you know how cooking works, if not then please read my cooking guide. Anyway, here is the recipe for honey wine. Of these four materials, you either need to buy the cooking honey and the essence of liqueur from the central marketplace or get them by. The other two ingredients can be purchased from a Tavern vendor which are found near or inside the taverns in all the major cities. From the information listed on the item in BDO, you need to shoot a wooden beehive and then grind it to make cooking honey. Doing that is hard and time-consuming, but there is a much simpler way. One of the worker nodes there produces cooking honey. So if you invest in that node and assign a worker to it you will get a decent amount of cooking honey in a rather short time. You can read my workers bdo make money with honey if you are unsure of how workers work no pun intended. Here is the recipe for the essence of liqueur. Of these three materials you need to gather or buy the fruit from the central marketplace and you need to buy or make flour by processing grains wheat, barley, corn.


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