Every bit helps. You have our gratitude and will get 10 kickstarter exclusive 4K Avorion Wallpapers! That includes what NPC stations and ships will appear, as well as asteroids, containers, gates or enemies. This sector will be named after you. This system upgrade will be named after you.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Avorion Store Page. Global Achievements. Eiden View Profile View Posts. Hello guys. I want to discuss here how do we make money on Avorion. I want to share with the community how do i make money and hear how do you guys do that too. So to start with, my economy on Avorion has basicly two phases. A rare quality level radar with range will do. After that i begin to hop on those sectors to sell asteroids, but be very careful and have nice generators because if you get into a ship with lots of pirates, which is fairly common, you will have to bail out from the fight and get away from them, because you probably will not have the strenght to face them, specially now with torpedoes. There’s one thing though, those sectors with pirates usually have more than one big asteroid to claim. You can try something risky there which is checking how many big asteroids are on the sector with pirates and try to claim them by making a very fast flyby and claiming them on the instant you are the closest from the asteroid, which is very dangerous because you can crash into a smaller asteroid or take a lot of fire from the pirates on the process, but if you do a nice flyby you will take small amounts of damage and have a asteroid to sell. The number of asteroids on those pirate sectors can go from 1 to 3 big asteroids. To find them easily without having to look on the whole sector for them, you can turn your ship to the bright star that is the closest to your sector, move you view a bit up so the star will be at the bottom of your screen, and then press F9 if i’m not mistaken to go to the strategical view.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Avorion Store Page. Global Achievements. I need to make 1 more million to change my regen spot and I seem to be stuck 1 million short. I’ve tried mining and salvaging but I keep having to spend to repair my ship and can’t seem to make the last million. Showing 1 — 14 of 14 comments. Cyrus View Profile View Posts. This really depends on what you are doign and what you ship can do. I HIGHLY reccomend rushing to the naonite regions to get some naonite to get shields — this drastically reduces the amount needed for repairs and lets you focus on early combat without much in the way of repairs at all. Claimable asteroids.
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Avorion Store Page. Global Achievements. Eiden View Profile View Posts. Hello guys. I want to discuss here how do we make money on Avorion. I want to share with the community how do i make money and hear how do you guys do that too. So to start with, my economy on Avorion has basicly two phases. A rare quality level radar with range will do. After that i begin to hop on those sectors to sell asteroids, but be very careful and have nice generators because if you get into a ship with lots of pirates, which is fairly common, you will have to bail out from the fight and get away from them, because you probably will not have the strenght to face them, specially now with torpedoes. There’s one thing though, those sectors with pirates usually have more than one big asteroid to claim.
AVORION Survival Guide 2: Making Some Starting Credits & Finding Titanium for Upgrades
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