Conservatives have picked up today on a Kaiser Health News piece reporting on doctor complaints that insurers plan to pay them less for Obamacare patients than for other patients:. Insurance officials acknowledge they have reduced rates in some plans, saying they are under enormous pressure to keep premiums affordable. They say physicians will make up for the lower pay by seeing more patients, since the plans tend to have smaller networks of doctors. But many primary care doctors say they barely have time to take care of the patients they have. Matt Yglesias is unsympathetic. Until that happens, forget about it. If Econ is to be believed, higher pay should produce more doctors.
Median Doctor Pay: $187,000
Greg Rosalsky. You can sign up here. Every year, medical students apply for residencies at hospitals around the country through the National Resident Matching Program. It’s like a dating app for med students and hospitals, and it culminates this Friday, which is Match Day, when more than 30, students find out who they’ve got a really long date with. Some people view Match Week as a beautifully engineered dance between supply and demand that ensures the best and brightest learn how to be good doctors at top hospitals. Others, like Dean Baker, Senior Economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research , say this residency system makes health care dramatically more expensive for Americans. Baker says «doctors are seriously overpaid» and a big reason is rules that restrict the number of people who can get residencies. He calls these rules the work of «a cartel,» and in economics, those are fighting words. A cartel limits the supply of something in order to increase the amount of money they can charge. Baker argues that the U. These include many foreign doctors, who are barred from practicing here unless they complete a residency within the country. Most of the funding for residencies comes from the Medicare program, and Congress capped the number of residencies the program funds in Trade groups for doctors have also been lobbying against allowing nurse practitioners , physician assistants and other medical professionals to play a larger role in treating patients. The result of policies like these, Baker argues, is a market with less competition, driving up prices for everyone. Baker estimates that the salaries of the roughly one million doctors in the U. There are strong arguments that doctors aren’t overpaid. They are highly skilled professionals who save lives and have the brains and work ethic to make lots of money in other sectors, like law or finance. On top of that, many work long hours and are saddled with lots of student debt after years of education. The American Medical Association, one of the main organizations representing U. The association says it’s «actively working to alleviate a maldistribution of physicians that is responsible for [a doctor] shortage in many states. It currently supports the Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of , which would increase the number of Medicare-funded residency slots by 15, over five years.
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The Agenda. Agenda An economist argues that American doctors get paid too much—and offers some bold ideas on what to do about it. The United States pays more than twice as much per person for health care as other wealthy countries. We tend to blame the high prices on things like drugs and medical equipment, in part because the price tag for many life-saving drugs is less than half the U. But an unavoidable part of the high cost of U. Doctors and other highly paid professionals stand out in this respect. Our autoworkers and retail clerks do not in general earn more than their counterparts in other wealthy countries. Most Americans are likely to be sympathetic to the idea that doctors should be well paid. After all, it takes many years of education and training, including long hours as an intern and resident, to become a doctor. And people generally respect and trust their doctors. However, as an economist, I look for structural explanations for pay disparities like this. And when economists like me look at medicine in America — whether we lean left or right politically — we see something that looks an awful lot like a cartel.
How much money do doctors make? That range depends heavily on specialty. That said, the table and chart below should give anyone a solid idea of doctor pay. According to the U. Half the doctors in the country make more than the median and half make less. For a more in-depth understanding of how much doctors actually get paid, see the section below on doctor pay by specialty. The data in the table was compiled my Medscape , a service that provides research and medical information to the healthcare industry. Most of the specialists listed below make considerably more than the median doctor pay.
Couldn’t we fix the health care system by paying doctors less?
I have this friend and she’s the best Doctor I’ve ever had, she explains everything to me so I can understand it, and she don’t charge anything. So wht do they make so much money? Because going through medical school is very expensive. Also, some save lives. I think they deserve a good salary for having a ton of work and responsibility for another persons life :. Doctors pay depends on the field they are in as well. There are family practice doctors and gynecologist that don’t make much money while specialists can make a lot. None of the doctors I know own yachts. Doctors salaries have been going down. Almost all of them are over worked by over booking patients with limited time for each appointment. Many put in at least 60 hours a week. All being controlled by the business offices that own them. The price of any service is that required to make the demand for that service equal the supply. The demand for doctors is consistently high, and the supply is restricted by the need for doctors to have a very high IQ and years of specialist training, so the services of doctors are expensive, and doctors make a lot of money as a result. Your friend supplies you with free medical device as a personal favor, so it doesn’t reflect the price you would be willing to pay for that advice in the market. We are in the Societal Stage called Cacophony; which basically means that everyone decent is out and only the worst who will stop at nothing to succeed will. Doctors both self-select and are selected from the top of their college classes.
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