But dropping your refund into a standard savings account is hardly the only smart option. If you have credit card debt, paying it off is the best investment you can make with your tax refund. Doing so delivers a guaranteed return on your money equal to the interest rate you were paying your lender. If you mxke outstanding high-interest debts, stop reading now and start crafting your debt payoff plan. Ideally, you should aim to have enough in your emergency fund to cover three months of must-pay living expenses. Earmarking a portion of your tax refund to the cause will give you a head start on building up your financial fortress.
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Unfortunately, many people tend to do little or no research on this topic, which often causes them to pay more income tax than they really owe. To help you avoid making such a mistake, this article will touch on some of the ways you get the most out of your tax return. Deductions, in a nutshell, are simply qualified expenses that reduce your taxable income. Examples include:. These are just a few of a long list of items for which taxpayers may claim a deduction if they are eligible. Available credits include the following:. If you are eligible for these credits, they can substantially reduce or even eliminate the amount of tax that you owe and thus increase your refund. They can actually provide you with a refund in some cases even if you had no tax withholding from your income for the year. Generally, you should itemize your deductions if it results in a lower taxable income than if you claim the standard deduction. However, there are certain cases in which you will have no choice. For example, if you file a joint return with your spouse and you itemize your deductions, your spouse must do so as well. Itemizing your deductions is recommended if you:. There is an adjusted gross income AGI threshold phaseout schedule for higher-income filers who itemize their deductions. Following the instructions for filing your tax return can help you to determine these limits. There are special rules that apply to claim deductions and credits on your tax return. This may seem expensive, but it will be money well spent if that professional gets you a larger refund or prevents your return from being selected for auditing by the IRS. Income Tax. Finances With Children. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice.
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We’ll Be Right Back!
If you’re expecting a tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service IRS , several options are available to you for getting your money more quickly, but there’s one universal rule. You’ll speed up the time it takes for the IRS to review your return and you’ll get your refund faster if you file your tax return electronically. You can get your money in as few as 10 days depending on when you file. The IRS can deposit the refund in a checking, savings, or retirement account. A space on your tax return is available for you to request direct deposit. Like a paper check refund, you can track your direct deposit refund online at Where’s My Refund? You can have your deposit split into different accounts as well, up to three in all. You can even direct all or part of your refund to your IRA; you’re not limited to savings or checking accounts. Most tax preparation software walks you through requesting this type of payment if you use a program or website to do your taxes. Otherwise, you can complete and submit IRS Form with your tax return, telling the IRS that you want to split your refund among certain accounts. The accounts have to be in your name, your spouse’s name, or in your joint names, but they don’t all have to be held at the same bank or financial institution. Using this option won’t delay your refund. But, of course, you’ll want to be very sure that your bank accepts direct deposits to the type of account you’re selecting.
I have plenty taken out of my paycheck. When I ask my coworkers how they have their deductions set up, they tell me to just change it so I get a big refund, but I’m not interested in giving Uncle Sam an interest-free loan either. How do I set it up so I break even every year? Dear Mo Money, We completely understand how you feel. Sometimes it’s as though doing your taxes is a crap-shoot, and you never know whether you’ll owe money or get a refund until you actually do the paperwork, and it doesn’t have to be that way. There are a couple of ways to go about this, from changes you can make to your W-4 with your employer, to some more drastic methods that will make sure you neither owe or receive money when you file every year—or at least come as close to even as you can get. Let’s walk through them one at a time. The first place to check to make sure you’re not underpaying or overpaying on your taxes is the W-4 you have filed with your employer. The rule generally goes that the fewer allowances you claim, the more money will be withheld—or taken out of—your paycheck and sent to the IRS towards your taxes.
The IRS offers several options, some speedier than others
But dropping your refund into a standard savings account is hardly the only smart option. If you have credit card debt, paying it off is the best investment you can make with your tax refund. Doing so delivers a guaranteed return on your money equal to the interest rate you were paying your lender. If you have outstanding high-interest debts, stop reading now and start crafting your debt payoff plan. Ideally, you should aim to have enough in your emergency fund to cover three months of must-pay living expenses. Earmarking a portion of your tax refund to the cause will give you a head start on building up your financial fortress. Instead, bypass anemic checking account interest rates by tucking the money away in a high-yield savings account. Want to know how to become a millionaire?
What is a Tax Refund Offset
Want to get a big tax refund come tax filing season? Here are a few things to keep in mind as you look to get the biggest refund you. For most married couples, it makes sense to file jointly. However, there are some situations where you should consider filing separately. For example, if you or your spouse has a significant amount of medical or business expenses, filing separately may reduce your adjusted gross income and increase the amount you can deduct because these deductions can only be taken if they exceed a given percentage of your income. On the other hand, filing separately means you may miss out on some key tax credits. Run the numbers to see which filing status yields the bigger benefit. Generally, you need to have paid more than half the cost of maintaining a household for yourself and a qualifying dependent over the course of the year.
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