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Getting started with investing and in options trading can be a bit intimidating. Learn how to trade options succesfully from the experts at RagingBull. Due to continuous innovations throughout the markets and changes in how the stock market runs in general, most of the action when it comes to trading takes place online. Investing was once quite a simple concept, where individuals would invest their finances in one or two small companies and stick with those investments as they grew. Today, investing is more complicated than ever before and even includes new forms of currency. With all of these changes and the fast-paced environment of the online market, getting started with investing and options trading can be a bit intimidating. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources out there and experts with years of experience and success ready to teach you what you need to know. The key to succeeding in the world of trading is knowledge. Image via Flickr by free pictures of money. If you want to learn how to make money in options trading, the first step is to develop a strategy for options trading.
Learn the Lingo: What is an Option?
Before you dive in, there are some mindset principles that you need to adhere to. Moving beyond the scarcity mentality is crucial. That’s just a belief system. Think and you shall become. You don’t need to invest a lot of money with any of the following strategies. Sure, having more money to invest would be ideal. But it’s not necessary. As long as you can identify the right strategy that works for you, all you need to do is scale. It’s similar to building an offer online, identifying the right conversion rate through optimization, then scaling that out. If you know you can invest a dollar and make two dollars, you’ll continue to invest a dollar. Start small.
What Are Calls and Puts in Options Trading?
Traders often jump into trading options with little understanding of options strategies. There are many strategies available that limit risk and maximize return. With a little effort, traders can learn how to take advantage of the flexibility and power options offer. With this in mind, we’ve put together this primer, which should shorten the learning curve and point you in the right direction. This is a very popular strategy because it generates income and reduces some risk of being long stock alone. The trade-off is that you must be willing to sell your shares at a set price: the short strike price. To execute the strategy, you purchase the underlying stock as you normally would, and simultaneously write or sell a call option on those same shares. In this example we are using a call option on a stock, which represents shares of stock per call option. For every shares of stock you buy, you simultaneously sell 1 call option against it. It is referred to as a covered call because in the event that a stock rockets higher in price, your short call is covered by the long stock position. Investors might use this strategy when they have a short-term position in the stock and a neutral opinion on its direction. The holder of a put option has the right to sell stock at the strike price. Each contract is worth shares. The reason an investor would use this strategy is simply to protect their downside risk when holding a stock.
How to Make Money Trading Options — The Vertical Spread
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In order to learn the Covered Call strategy you have to become familiar with selling stock options. I know, it would be so much simpler to just say selling, but as always, the financial community has to complicate things. So when you hear someone talk about writing Covered Calls they are just referring to someone selling a covered. If you recall from the earlier lessons, a Call option gives its buyer the «right, but not the obligation», to buy shares of a stock at a specified price strike price on or before a given date expiration date. Selling Covered Call options is a strategy that is best used when stock prices are trending in a channel or rising slightly. It’s similar to collecting rent on a house you. For instance, suppose you were renting your home to someone and you let them «rent with the option to buy. Covered Call options work somewhat the same way. You will first buy shares of stock buy the house and then sell or write Call options against the stock rent your house out with an option to buy. So if you own shares of company XYZ, you would sell 1 Call option to someone giving them the «right» to purchase your stock from you. In exchange for selling these rights, the buyer is going to pay you money. If the option doesn’t get exercised, you keep your stock and the money you were paid for selling the option. You are then obligated to deliver shares of stock to the buyer at the set strike price. So far in all of the tutorials we talked about buying stock options. Covered call options is now where we begin to talk about being a stock option seller.
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