None of this is making me a bunch of money, but that many disc cases takes up a significant amount of space, even if that space is a storage space or the attic, so clearing them out, and making a bit of cash on the side is well worth it to me at this point. So after gathering up all of these games, it was time to figure out how much they might be worth and if it was worth my time trying to sell them on eBay. The first thing I did was went through and created a spreadsheet that includes all of the games that I plan on selling, what console they are for, what condition they are in, and if they include manuals, extras, etc. The next step was to do some research to figure out what prices these games were selling for and if it was worth it to try and sell the games at those prices. I decided to focus most of my energy on selling the games on eBay instead of places like craigslist, LetGo, or OfferUp, because I felt like eBay gave me the best opportunity to sell them for higher prices due to the fact that there is a much broader audience out there on eBay than just in my home area. Note: I did try to sell a bunch of the blu-rays on Facebook Marketplace and had zero luck. So now that I had my list of games, I set out to figure out what I could list them for in order to sell them the quickest, and maximize the amount of money from each game. So for the sake of argument, all of the games I initially listed were going to be pure profit. To research what price to list these games for, with the intention of selling them quickly, eBay is your best resource.
How People Make Money on Ebay
Selling your used games at GameStop or other trade-in stores often leaves you feeling like you got a raw deal, especially when you see the game you just sold on sale for three-times what you sold it for. Choosing to sell online is a great way to cut out the high street middle-man and get a fair price for your used games. Something that surprised me the most when I started selling old games on eBay was how much I was spending on the postage and packaging. Depending on where you live, the size might also affect the cost, so check this out before you buy. The best thing to do is buy in bulk online and avoid buying at the post office, where they are inevitably more expensive. I use these envelopes for all my games and it does the trick. Alternatively, do an eBay search for manuals themselves, as some people have the opposite problem — a manual but no box or game — and sell the manuals standalone. Also, as a note for the future, keep your game boxes and manuals in as good a condition as you can. It simply means more eyeballs on your games, which means more potential watchers and bidders. The stats show that the more photos of a product there are, no matter how similar, then the more that item sells for. The more the better. Speaking of the photos, always use genuine photos of the actual game you are selling. Customers really love it when you send them a personal message once they win the bidding.
Blu-Rays and DVDs Were a Huge Waste of Money
Read more. At one point in my life, I was an eBay powerseller. And when I ran out of my own junk that I had in the basement, I started going to yard sales, and eventually to auctions. As eBay has evolved, so have the requirements for successful selling. Here’s how to go about it. You may be a seasoned seller on eBay, or you may have just started with your eBay seller career, these tips can help boost your profits. Read More , the following tips can help. How do you list something, how do people pay you, and what about shipping costs?
The eBay Community
And, the attraction is easy to see. Gaming is booming, and it’s a multi-billion dollar industry. There has to be a way that a regular person can make some extra money selling games online, right? If you have a passion for gaming, then this could be a really fun and exciting business venture. There are some potential hurdles in your way, some of which you have probably already considered. So let’s take a look at how to avoid some mistakes and some ways that could really be profitable. One of the most logical ways to sell video games online is to go through sites like Amazon and eBay. The idea here would be to list the physical games that you have at a competitive price and ship those out when you make a sale. That is the basic process that everybody goes through to sell on those sites. However, if you want to create a successful business, then you also need to be able to source video games at a reasonable price and sell them at a profit. If you buy all those games, play them, and then sell them when you’re done you’re going to be losing money, not making it. The overall cost of your video game hobby will go down, but it will not be a profitable business. Another possible option would be buying used games online or in discount stores and reselling them at a higher price. Even if you manage this, you have to pay close attention to changes in supply and demand, as interest for individual games tends to wax and wane quickly. There is also a major risk that online sellers of games are actually providing pirated versions. This is especially true if you find the game for a very low price or source it from somewhere like China. As such, your choices for where to find games is more limited than many other types of products.
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Share best practices, tips, and insights. Meet other eBay community members who share your passions. I’m relatively new to selling only sold around 5 things before so I’m curious if it is better meaning more likely to sell and make money by selling video games induvidually or all together or in «themed» groups? Can you make money selling video games on ebay for any advice or help! I’m clearing all my xbox games away except for Skyrim lol so I wanna get rid of the 13 as soon as possible for soem extra spendign money. They all work and are used, they all include their manuals, and all coem in their original cases. Individually will get you the most money but selling in a lot will be much easier and faster. Decide at what price it’s worth it for you to sell individually and seperate out the titles that go for more then. To price your games check the ebay product page for each one and look at the cheapest BINs. Here for instance is gta4. Thanks for that good advice! Except maybe where VERY related. Sequels, same genre Halo 1 and 2 or a similar effect could work for people who’d like to save time over buying seperate. Old sports and other junk isn’t worth the listing fees to put .
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