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While that would be a great salary for a year-round job, actors live with the risk of the show closing and leaving them unemployed. There are multiple extra weekly payments for special cases, for instance if they move sets, they understudy the lead or they take a role with physical risk. All these will add to the weekly salary. Actors’ salaries on Broadway are not left up to the whim of individual producers. Although acting is a field where individual talent rules, it’s also tightly unionized. A stage actors union called Actors’ Equity Association was formed in to improve the poor conditions actors worked under back then. Those conditions included actors:. In , actors on Broadway and in Chicago went on a month-long strike with support from theater musicians and stagehands. That established Actors’ Equity as a player in the industry and convinced producers to start negotiating. Since then, Broadway has paid actors a set rate, which the union periodically renegotiates. If you work as an actor on Broadway, you’ll almost certainly need to join Actors’ Equity. As a member, you can only work on shows that offer you an Equity contract. If you’re not a member, but you’re cast in a unionized show, that gives you the immediate opportunity to join. Once you join, working on a non-unionized show can cost you your Equity membership. Actors’ Equity lists shows and production companies on its website that either refuse to negotiate with the union or couldn’t reach a deal. Actors’ Equity allows members to perform without an Equity contract in special cases.
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I know this is probably a huge range, but I am interested in that range. We just got back from a trip to NY and saw 2 Broadway Musicals and my daughter asked me how much did the actors make, and I didn’t really have an answer. Because theatre is always a buyers’ market—there are way more talented people available than there are parts—there’s not much room to negotiate at the low end. Broadway in particular is about marketing and product, so if—as you describe—someone is not very well known, though they’ve been in shows, they’re not likely to get more than minimum. Featured performers can of course command more, because they have names, so their salary is negotiable. And stars are always negotiable because that’s when it’s a SELLER’s market—there’s only one Julia Roberts, and if you want her for your show you have to make it worth her while. Even so, the theatre can’t possibly match a film salary, so any really famous star who wants to do Broadway is going to take a pay cut in exchange for the experience. Professional shows employ Equity actors, so they are bound by Equity rules to pay a certain mimumum salary to their actors depending on the contract, which in turn depends on the location and size of the theatre and type of show. This document library has a great deal of contracts, the info you’re looking for will be listed under «Salary» in almost every one. I would paste some of the charts, but my computer is being retarded and not opening pdf files. The most common one to look at is the Production Rulebook, which is most Broadway commercial shows. Trending News. SAG Awards See what the stars wore.
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Thanks to public standard union contracts, we know what the base salary is for Broadway performers, stage managers, and musicians. These minimum rates are only for professionals on Broadway and are calculated by the week since, unlike other vocations who report annual salaries, artists will not necessarily be employed by their Broadway show for a full year. These figures are valid as of October 2, , and are scheduled to remain through September 29, , after which most of these rates will increase slightly. Musician pay rates comes from Local Their rates are valid as of March and are scheduled to remain through March 3,
The curtain rises, and the audience applauds as Broadway actors transport them to another time and place. It takes hard work and dedication to get to Broadway. It’s a lucrative career for a. Hamilton producers have also profited from the enormous success of the. Most actors who make it to Broadway do not achieve that level of wealth or fame.
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