Save on your next awesome domain registration! Everything you ever needed to know about domains, websites, and more! Do you know when the first domain was registered? We do! Ermahgerd Memes! What if I told you Dynadot Memes are the best.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to make money investing in domain names? So how do you get that cool, million-dollar sale? Is making money with domains really possible? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: To be successful, you need to work hard in the right direction, with the right advice. They can spark ideas for domains within your own niche and offer sage advice that you would otherwise discover through trial and error. I was lucky enough to have Ali Zandi, a guy who fits the bill for working hard and making money with domains, answer some questions. Hopefully his advice will help domain investors new and old learn more about how to be successful. My journey into the domain name investing world began out of the sheer necessity for survival and a profound inner aching to achieve something greater — to do something more with my life. Up until that point, I had made career choices that lead me mostly to inner dead ends. Choices that taught me many lessons yet did not fill the gaping entrepreneurial void, or worse, my bank account. Tall order, I know. One night, I was scouring the internet for unique ways to make money.
1. Narrow your focus
Domain names are hot commodities in today’s tech-centric world. The result is a unique opportunity for investors to invest in domain names that can be sold for a profit in the future. Building a high-quality domain portfolio can take months or years to accomplish. Often, the key is looking forward to what domains may become popular in the future and hedging through numbers by purchasing hundreds of domains. Others choose to purchase a few already high profile domains and sit on them hoping that they appreciate in value. Words that describe a product or service, including new and emerging products, can be a great investment. But it’s very important to avoid any copyright or trademark issues that could result in domain forfeiture. Names of cities or countries, including up-and-coming locations, can be great investments over time that can be sold to web developers looking to build out community portals or other businesses centered on those communities. Generic business names, such as dentist or chiropractor, can be great investments when combined with geographic names. Timely names can be great investments when combined with events occurring in that year, such as OlympicPlayers.
Where can I sell my domain names?
Buying the rights to an internet domain name that someone else wants allows you to charge them either for licensing or purchase. Even sites that others don’t want right away can be an opportunity for advertisement. This can be a risky business, but the right domain name can create a substantial return on investment. This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. Together, they cited information from 10 references. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great.
Finance Internet. Read. If your old domain name is useful, catchy, or in some other way meaningful, you could be sitting on a goldmine without even realizing it. Of course, you never actually did anything with it. Now, if a domain name is unused or parked, it will typically inform a visitor that it is newly registered and to return in a few days when there will be a website to view. But just as common is the commercial approach, in which the domain registrar or web host is making money off your website. It does this by placing third-party adverts, or even notices for its own services. But what can you do about it? If this is the case, you may want to switch your attention instead to Flippa.
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