Counterfeit goods are not allowed on eBay. Nonetheless, the site is saturated with imitation merchandise. Millions of items are listed each day, and while eBay takes active measures to protect buyers, fake nake still manages to make it. Some sellers simply may not know their items are not real, while others knowingly list inauthentic items and don’t think they will get caught. In either case, both sellers face sanctions from eBay if their items are found to be counterfeits or replicas.
More Money Hacks
For collectors who buy art on eBay or elsewhere online: How Art Forgers Fool Collectors Warning: Fake Artist Signatures on Prints Disclaimer: The following article is a satire and is no way intended to promote or encourage crime of any kind. For you folks who think you know something about art, but who don’t have years of experience to back that supposition up, let this serve as a cautionary tale about how easy it is for criminals to victimize naive or unsuspecting art buyers, not only on eBay, but elsewhere as well Ready to give up that nasty commute and work from home? Want to be your own boss? Need extra income? Well, fret no more because now you can live the criminal lifestyle of your dreams by making big money selling fake art on eBay. Of course it is, but eBay doesn’t care. All you have to do is look. Anyone who knows what they’re doing can find any number of questionable, misrepresented and outright bogus artworks for sale on eBay with hardly any effort at all. Not a problem. The morons who’ll be bidding on your fakes don’t know anything either. But unlike you, they think they do, which makes bilking them out of hundreds, thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of dollars per fake, virtually effortless.
5 expert tips for selling on eBay
Are you naturally gifted at taking photos? Do you enjoy snapping pictures of the world around you? Then you can start earning money by selling photos online. As long as you can provide high-quality images that have good lighting and color, a captivating moment, and good composition — you can make a decent amount of money. Like anything else, the better equipment you have, and the more experience and knowledge you have — the better your images will be, and the more lucrative this opportunity will be.
From Bitcoin to Kimoji, there’s a whole new economy of intangible goods ready for your business to sell.
It has become almost mandatory for businesses to sell their products and services through the net, which is proving of great help even for hobbyists and amateurs to sell their creativity including music and photography. There are many options for amateur photographers to sell their photos. One option for photographers keen to make some money is to sell print images. You may just upload your photos to some printing websites, allowing others to order printed edition of your pictures. In this case, better part of the revenue is collected by the website, but you do earn some money in the process. The amount may be very limited but it is a very convenient way to make a beginning. This is among the largest and most famous print websites that enables you to generate funds using your photos. Microstock photography offers the latest and most admired methods for making cash from your photographs. It allows any person to upload their pictures and sell them to keen shopper, with the shopper purchasing images at deep discount. You simply take some good, interesting photos with your camera and upload the same on this site. As and when any of your images gets sold, you earn twenty to fifty cents or even more. The best thing is that you are not really selling your photos but just awarding the buyers a license to use your photographs for various purposes including magazines, websites and designs etc. Simply put, it means that the photographers retain the copyrights in totality, allowing them to sell the same photos any number of times to any number of customers. There are no shortage of stock image sites where you can sell your photos.
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Latest Issue. Past Issues. T he Joker torching a mountain of cash in The Dark Knight. Walter White toting around his gallon-drum nest eggs on Breaking Bad. Each scene was shot with prop money—phony bills that look real on-screen, but up close have certain glaringly obvious tweaks. This kind of nonlegal tender is regulated by federal law and, until recently, was controlled by Hollywood prop houses and closely monitored by the Secret Service.
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