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2. Loot everything you can find
Log In Sign Up. Keep me logged in on this device Forgot your username or password? Don’t have an account? Sign up for free! How to make alot of money early? How can i make alot of money early in the game so i can rebuild the auditore town as soon as im decor it? User Info: Machieavelli. Accepted Answer. You can go around the town and grab the 8 statues for 8, as well. My suggestion is to open up all the shops level 1 for a decent income bonus, followed by the Church, Well, Mine in that order , since they give the best income of the improvements. Then the Brothel and Barracks. The Bank gives the most income, followed by the Blacksmith for level 3. I suggest getting the Bank to level 3, then possibly the Blacksmith, but it’s a good bit more expensive. It’ll optimize the amount of income you receive. You can keep from purchasing armor, weapons, paintings and the like for awhile, and get the treasure maps and grab all the treasure. It’s what I did, and I -just- got to Venice, with an income of And k on me.
Assassin’s Creed II
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If you are wise enough to take a break from the storyline and attempt to gather some artisans and level them up , you can get some high quality crafting materials, and also start your own convoy system. You can read all about the Homestead and its importance in our Homestead Guide. You can read about leveling up artisans for improved money-making and skills in our Artisans Leveling Guide. You can read about crafting and required recipes in our Crafting Recipes guide. Citizen Missions: If you feel you have extra time on your hands, you might want to deliver some courier for some citizen needing a hand, or perhaps assassinating someone for some other fellow. Being a Moron: Sometimes you can be a moron and decide to do things the less appreciated way. Treasure Chests: Treasure chests can contain some good direct or indirect cash, provided you have the stamina to find them and find their keys. Animal Products: Another good way to earn some cash is to hunt. You can read all about hunting techniques and tips in our Hunting Guide. Some of the big animals will respawn, so you can get back there multiple times and collect their pelts, claws, and grease every time. These goods will earn you a hefty profit and can pile up cash for you at a faster rate. Send Convoys: You can also load up convoys with different items you have crafted or gathered during your adventure and send them for trade. If you feel that there are other efficient methods of earning money, leave a comment and let us know!
1. Keep doing quests (including side missions)
Several minor game related features could be redeemed on Uplay and three downloadable expansion packs were released on Xbox Live. The plot is set in a fictional history setting and follows the centuries-old struggle between the Assassinswho fight maje peace with free will, and the Knights Templarswho desire peace through control. The framing story is set in the 21st century and follows Desmond Miles as he relives the genetic memories of his ancestor Ezio Auditore da Firenze. The main narrative takes place at the height of the Renaissance in Italy during the 15th and early crede century. The primary focus is to utilize the player’s combat and stealth abilities, as Desmond begins to uncover the mysteries left behind by an ancient race known as the First Civilization in the hope of ending the conflict between the Assassins and Templars. The game received praise from video game publications for its Moneey setting, narrative, characters, map design, and visuals, as well as the improvements over its predecessor. It has sold more than nine million copies. It is considered to be one of assxssin best video games maje madeand it popularized the Assassin’s Creed franchise. The PC version was met with some criticism in relation to the digital rights management system, and thus had the always-online DRM permanently removed. The Animus 2. A database is also available, providing extra historical information about key landmarks, characters, and services that the player encounters. The health system has been made more dynamic, with synchronization to the Animus and causing the character to recover only from minor injuries. The player may now swim in water, and Eagle Vision—the ability to identify specific people and landmarks—can now be used in third-person view and while moving. The player also has the ability to control a carriage in one level, and can row gondolasas well as ride horses at any point in the game where they are mondy available between towns and cities. Additionally, the player can hire different omney of NPCssuch as mercenariescourtesansor thieves ; these groups can be used to fight, distract, or lure guards, respectively.
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